Jesus; One Man, Two Faiths


By Ron Messier

In his search for channels of dialogue between Christians and Muslims, the author proposes Jesus as a potentially pivotal figure. As the title suggests, he explores the views of Jesus within the two faiths, pointing out not only similarities, some of which are quite surprising, but also differences that are more often complementary than contradictory. This thought-provoking book invites believers in each faith to reflect on their own images of Jesus and perhaps to expand those images in light of what the other has to offer.



Expanded Second Edition

In his search for channels of dialogue between Christians and Muslims, the author proposes Jesus as a potentially pivotal figure. As the title suggests, he explores the views of Jesus within the two faiths, pointing out not only similarities, some of which are quite surprising, but also differences that are more often complementary than contradictory. This thought-provoking book invites believers in each faith to reflect on their own images of Jesus and perhaps to expand those images in light of what the other has to offer.

Kindle edition.

Although a scholarly work, the book clearly desires to replace endless debate with fruitful conversation: “Praying together would carry with it a willingness to dialogue, to dialogue with self, to dialogue with the other, and possibly to dialogue with the Spirit of God.” Messier’s writing will be impressively accessible to the layperson and tries to illuminate a theologically defensible path to détente between two rival faiths. (This second edition helpfully includes more material on Judaism, as well.) Full review.

Kirkus Reviews


The need to know one another and to respect one another as well as the ability to coexist peacefully in a pluralistic world has become imperative.  Ron Messier expresses this connection between Muslims and Christians through the life of Jesus (peace be upon him); a man revered in both faiths.  His book invites us to explore how we live and how we will be remembered in this multicultural world, in a way that encourages and promotes tolerance and respect for the other.

    Dr. Awadh Binhazim, 

    Professor of Pathology at Meharry Medical College and Muslim Chaplain at Vanderbilt University


In an age when religion is increasingly portrayed by extremism, and Islam and Christianity are defined by their differences, Jesus: One Man, Two Faiths offers a thoughtful conversation between two faith traditions about the person, prophet, and Holy deity, Jesus. With great depth and seriousness, Messier, a committed Christian and teacher of Islam, engages scripture, tradition, and theology, clearly defining the topic historically, speaking from each tradition’s holy scripture, and illustrating his understanding through personal stories.  In an accessible and engaging fashion, Messier discovers through his academic study and varied friendships that the path that leads to a deeper relationship with God and our neighbor,

Christian and Muslim, is easier and more thought-filled when we embrace serious and honest dialogue. Jesus: One Man, Two Faiths is an excellent resource for reading groups and personal study.

    Rev. Dr. Jeff Carter, pastor 

    Manassas Church of the Brethren


In a world aflame with religious misunderstanding and battling gods, Ron Messier’s Jesus: One Man, Two Faiths offers a moving, insightful,and potentially healing balm. His command of Christian and Islamic teachings is strong, and his ability to facilitate dialogue betweenthese two faiths masterful. Read, share, and talk about this book.

    Rabbi Rami Shapiro,

    author of Guide to Forgiveness: Roadside Assistance for the Spiritual Traveler


Dr. Ron Messier’s broad knowledge of history, theology, Islam, the Qur’an, Holy Scripture and his deep personal faith are the basis of this amazing book on Jesus’ many faceted connections to Christians and Muslims. He skillfully uses his knowledge and experience to clarify who Jesus is to the descendants of Abraham and how we share much in our understanding of Jesus.  It is a must read for everyone in these troubled times.

    The Rev. James K. Polk Van Zandt

    Rector, St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Murfreesboro, TN

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Hardcover, Paperback